Johnstons Transport recognises the importance of Health, Safety and the Environment and therefore we aim to provide a work environment free from harm with sustainability. The vision is supported by a culture that places the safety of people and the protection of environment as a priority.
We strive to achieve this through:
At Johnstons, we take quality and safety seriously, safety is at our core of values. We have a strict Workplace Health & Safety (WHS), compliance program, environmental and quality policies, with procedures in place to ensure that we consistently deliver the highest safety standards in all areas. We aim to create a workplace that is injury, illness and incident free, because we care for our people, clients and the wider community.
Industry experience shows that when an entire organisation works to develop systems and completion of regular training that meet its own operational requirements, remarkable safety results can be achieved.
Johnstons achieve safety through the undertaking of ensuring we;
Johnston’s Transport is committed to environmentally sustainable practices in the Road Transport Industry. Johnston’s seek to reduce the environmental impact of its activities on the community, other industries and their industrial and residential neighbours. To fulfil this commitment Johnston’s accepts its responsibility to improve air quality, protect water quality, energy sources and reduce emissions that impact the environment that we work and live in:
Johnston’s seeks to continually enhance its contribution to the key environmental objectives by;
In accordance with the standard, and in order to fulfil the company’s environmental policy, objectives and processes have been established and implemented throughout the organization. Additionally, the processes are monitored and measured against the environmental policy, objectives, targets, legal and other requirements and the results are reported. From the reports, action is taken to continually improve performance of the environmental management plan.
Johnstons ensures we encourage our workplaces to be inclusive, collaborative and respectful. We believe through our commitment to equality and cultural diversity is equally important to increase customer-centricity, mitigate risks and magnify opportunities for our business. We believe in employing the best person for the task, as the business benefits delivered from a diverse and inclusive internal environment, lead to increased productivity and improved decision-making.
Johnstons acknowledge and cater for Australia’s diverse groups, we are an equal opportunity employer. Our internal strategy and governance, has delivered greater innovation of relevant products and improved customer service as we offer continuous improvement on the training of our front-line employees. Processes have been put in place to ensure that the needs of all Australians are considered, regardless of their gender, cultural background, faith, sexual orientation disability or age.
At Johnstons we believe:
Through the use of policies and procedures give guidance on how the organisation operates with its moral compass and ethical focus. Understanding that our actions and behaviours can affect the outcome of Johnston’s future success as a business. At Johnstons we believe in fostering our people, giving recognition to openness and transparency throughout the culture that lives within operations and the client relationships.
Johnstons is continually developing policies and procedures as the dynamics of the marketplace change in society. The details outline what is expected of us as individuals, as a business, attitudes to our stakeholders and respect to the wider community.
The following policies and procedures are outlined as follows:
As an organisation we have a responsibility to speak up, we have a responsibility to act within the law and its parameters and ultimately act lawfully. Encouraging the practices of ensuring communication and control over projects is part of the industrial culture of Johnstons.
At Johnston’s we pride ourselves on meeting or exceeding our corporate and social responsibilities. Our modern fleet of vehicles has an average age of less than five years. We are accredited through the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme and our maintenance standards are audited and verified by the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW (RTA).
Our personnel are highly trained with an average length of service of thirteen years. Driver training is conducted in-house by our RTA accredited Driver Assessor Trainers, assessing drivers at least twice a year. Training courses include; Load Restraint, Occupational Health and Safety certificate 1 level, National Training Scheme Transport and Distribution certificates 2 and 3 level. All drivers hold Maritime Security Identification Cards for port access and the Transport Industry ‘Bluecard’ which is a legal requirement for all drivers in compliance with OH&S and fatigue management legislation.
Our Environmental Policy relative to vehicles means our fleet is compliant with EURO 4 technology and ADR80/02 standards. This means our vehicles meet exhaust emission standards through to 2010. Our diesel fuel sulphur levels are at 50ppm and meet standards to 20011. While Drive by Noise levels are standards compliant until 2012. Our next generation of vehicles is based on EURO 5 Technology and will take us into the next decade with an environmentally responsible outlook for the future.
Johnston’s also operate an Environmental Management Plan that requires systems and activities be sourced, considered, implemented, monitored and periodically reviewed throughout the company operations to ensure that any negative impacts from those operations are removed or reduced to ensure that positive impacts to the environment are enhanced. These systems and activities are consistent with Australian and State environmental statutory laws, WH&S regulations and national standards.